Patent Office Provides IP Awareness Assessment Tool


Usually the Patent Office website provides a gateway to other information, such as a patent or trademark search information, related forms, general information, etc.  However, on the home page, there are news items and information worth checking out.  One of those is the IP Awareness Assessment Tool.  This tool provides basic information for inventors and small businesses to help identify IP needs.  In particular, the tool is a series of questions posed to help you understand what IP you may have and/or what IP you  may want to protect.  For example, you may think that you may need a copyright registration to protect your marketing material, but in fact, it might be more appropriately addressed and protected by trademark or service mark registration.

Having checked out the pre-assessment tool myself, I think it is a helpful starting point to those who are individual entrepreneurs, or small businesses who have not yet sought any IP advice.   However, I would not rely on the tool alone and would seek advise from an attorney experienced in IP issues.