Patent Purchase Program to Begin Soon

Want to sell your patent?  Several multinational firms including IBM, Facebook, and Ford are participating in a program called the Industry Patent Purchase Program (IP3).  It is being run by a non-profit organization called Allied Security Trust. 

It is essentially a take it or leave it proposition where the patent owner offers for sale their patent and any of the participating companies have the option of purchasing it.  The participating companies are primarily focused in the technology and automotive sectors.  The areas innovation in which they are most interested include:  

  • computers and software;
  • consumer electronics;
  • communications;
  • semiconductor & components;
  • healthcare & medical;
  • automotive;
  • lighting; and
  • financial services.

The range of value of any one patent is not certain.  However, Google ran a similar program last year and spent between $3,000 and 250,000 on patents with the average price being about $48,000.

The window of opportunity for submitting an offer is between May 25, 2016 through June 8, 2016.  The submission form and further details can be found here

So for any patent owner out there who has had difficulty trying to get the attention of the corporate world, now is your chance.

Capitalizing on innovative developments is critical to any organization.  Having the right person to help you make those decisions is important.  The Law Office of Kathleen Lynch PLLC is designed to help businesses such as yours keep ahead of the game.   The first telephone consultation is free.  Email us at





Wright Brothers' Patent File Went Missing for 36 Years 

One of the most famous patents had part of its record lost for 36 years.  Part of the patent file on the Wright Brothers’ first flying machine disappeared in 1980 when it was returned to the National Archives by the Smithsonian Museum where it had been on loan for an exhibit.  It was not until 2000 that archivists discovered it missing.  In March of this year the record was discovered in a cave outside of Kansas City where government records are stored. 

Government officials speculate that the record was likely misfiled in 1980 and made it difficult to find.  The papers, along with the rest of the patent file, will now be part of an exhibit at the National Archives starting May 20th. 

Protecting your innovative developments is critical to any organization.  Having the right person to help you make that decision is important.  The Law Office of Kathleen Lynch PLLC is designed to help businesses such as yours keep ahead of the game.   The first telephone consultation is free.  Email us at

Apple Patent that Censors Bad Language in Music and Books

Apple recently was granted a patent that detects and deletes swear words from song lyrics on audio tracks.  The system first finds the explicit language in a track and then removes it.  In addition, the system can replace the profane language with milder lyrics or background music.  The system also works with audio books. 

Apple has not indicated that it plans on bringing the technology to Apple Music in the near future. As the mother of twin teenagers, I can only hope!

Capitalizing on innovative developments is critical to any organization.  Having the right person to help you make those decisions is important.  The Law Office of Kathleen Lynch PLLC is designed to help businesses such as yours keep ahead of the game.   The first telephone consultation is free.  Email us at