Patent Office Webinar Series-Starts Today

The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) and the Minority Business Development Agency (MBDA) are co-hosting a three part webinar series to help business owners understand the intellectual property process.   The series starts today at noon.

This webinar series will teach attendees how to electronically file a copyright, patent, and trademark applications. The series will provide information, resources, and tools to protect and promote intellectual property. USPTO and Copyright Office employees will conduct the lectures.

Today's webinar topics is about copyright filings.  At noon ET, this webinar will teach you how to register your original literary, dramatic, musical expressions and artistic works electronically using the Copyright Office’s website to get a lower filing fee and quicker processing time.

Other remaining webinars are as follow:

Filing a Trademark Application Electronically - August 13 – 1 p.m. ET

This webinar will teach you how to use the Trademark Electronic Filing System (TEAS) to submit a trademark application directly through the USPTO website.  Please note that the webinar will not be directed to screening marks or determining whether a mark is available for use with a particular good or service.

Filing a Patent Application Electronically - August 14 – 1 p.m. ET

This webinar is directed to teaching you how to file patent applications electronically via the USPTO’s EFS-Web (electronic filing system).  The webinar will not cover patentability searches and assessments relating to whether or not your invention is patentable.

For more information visit the US Patent and Trademark Office website.  Even if you have an intellectual property attorney.  This may be a helpful webinar series so you can understand the application processes for some intellectual property.  

Having the right intellectual property attorney to help you make decision regarding filings and the  protection of your intellectual property is critical.  The Law Office of Kathleen Lynch is designed to help businesses such as yours keep ahead of the game.   The first telephone consultation is free.  Email us at