A word in support of lawyers

I am taking a break this week in my usual focus on intellectual property law, to give a shout out to the NCLEAP program here in North Carolina.  I preface this by disclosing that I am an NCLEAP volunteer and sit on their steering committee. 

NCLEAP (North Carolina Lawyer Entrepreneurial Assistance Program) is about a 7 year program that was established by North Carolina lawyers to provide pro bono assistance to low income entrepreneurs.  Since its inception, it has assisted over 1000 entrepreneurs and small businesses.  Volunteer lawyers from across the state provide low income entrepreneurs with pro bono corporate and intellectual property law advice and other legal matters relevant to a start up venture.

NCLEAP relies on donations to operate.  If you are a lawyer licensed to practice in North Carolina, consider donating your time and expertise to help out a new business or entrepreneur.  If you like the NCLEAP program, consider making a donation.