Adidas Helps High Schools Swap Out Bad Mascots

Are you a high school with an offensive mascot?  If so, Adidas will help you rebrand a new one.  In the wake of the Washington Redskins trademark registration refusal based on offensiveness, Adidas has offered to cover the costs of any high school wanting to adopt a new mascot. 

Adidas has offered to give high school and colleges that have offensive mascots the opportunity to select a new mascot and launch a rebranding campaign.  Several universities have either changed mascots or sought approval from the tribes associated with the mascots.  Florida State Seminoles and the Utah Utes have obtained approval from the respective tribes to continue to use the mascots.  While the North Dakota Fighting Sioux and Arkansas State Indians have changed their mascots.

It is a win for Adidas as the world’s second largest sporting goods manufacturer as it provides them with a way to show their commitment to a good cause and create goodwill in their brand.  Apparently others agree.  On the day of the Adidas announcement, their stock rose by 8.6 percent.

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